1) You must have an active, approved Green.Money merchant account.
2. You must have a valid API ID and Password.
3. You must be approved for API “Shopping Cart” access.
4. Your site must be SSL secured.
Our Green.Money extension for Magento will require some Magento developer assistance or Information Technology support.
1) Copy .Zip file into your local computer, then extract it.
2) Copy the first “Greenmoney” folder from the extension and upload to the Magento "/app/code/" directory via FTP. Once the files are uploaded, your Magento structure should look like "/app/code/Greenmoney/Greenmoney/[plugin files]".
You will need to connect to a remote machine. This is accomplished by running a Secure Shell (SSH) on your local machine. You will need an SSH username and password.
SSH (SSH client) is a program for logging into a remote machine and for executing commands on a remote machine.
3) Open “ssh” and run these commands from root directory
A) php bin/magento setup:upgrade
B) php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Now the extension is installed and the Admin can see Green Money method in Payment Methods configuration.
1) open admin panel
2) GO to payment configuration
a) Store-> Configuration
b) Now open Sales Tab, then Payment Method and save setting for Green Money payments
c) Go to other Payment Methods, then enter configuration settings.
Set Enabled to YES
Enter Client ID AND Api Password
Enter gateway url in Mode
Enter Title for front end: Green.Money
Set New Order Status to Processing
Save Settings
Now the extension is enabled for your Magento store.
If you experience issues please contact your technical support team. We have tested ALL of the above with our own store and it works perfectly with our system.