You are being asked to pay by Electronic Check. If you are here on this page, you may be concerned about giving away your checking account data online or to an unknown business.
Should You Be Concerned?
If your merchant is asking you to pay by check and this link appears on their website or checkout page, they have gone through rigorous underwriting to be accepted as one of our merchants.
Is Your Money Safe?
Giving your private information to anyone these days is a major concern. We understand this. You should always be wary of giving financial data to a third party. Just keep in mind that all banks must live up to Federal Banking Standards. This means that you are allowed to contact your bank and DISPUTE ANY CHARGE to your bank account for any amount up to 3-months after the transaction posted to your account. Your money is backed by Federal Law in case you suspect fraud in any way or a product or service is not delivered as promised.
Why Does the Merchant Not Accept Credit Card Payments?
If your merchant does not accept a credit card as a means of making payment, do not stress. There are many reasons why a company would decline to accept a credit card for payment.
#1: Credit Card Processing Fees average about 4%. The processor may also hold up to 10% additional of the processed amount for as long as 180-days as a reserve. This chases away many online vendors or those companies that have low-profit margins. They turn to check as a low-cost alternative.
#2. Some merchants are considered high risk based on their industry or are banned by Visa and MasterCard. All of the following are considered High-Risk industries. This does not mean they are bad companies. They are just listed as high-risk in general and many cannot accept credit cards at all:
Airplane Charters - Amazon, Yahoo, or Google Stores - Annual Contract Merchants - Antiques - Attorney Referral Services - Auctions - Autographed Collectibles - Automobile Brokers - Bankruptcy Attorneys - Brokering - Business - Opportunities - Cargo Import and Export - Casinos - Cigarettes or E-Cigs - Chat Sites or 1-900 Phone Lines - Check Cashing Services - Collectible Currency or Bullion Sites - Collection Agencies - Coupon Sites - Credit Protection and Repair - Currency Sales, including Crypto - Drug Paraphernalia - eBay Stores - Electronics - Event Ticket Sales - Extended Warranty Sales - Fantasy Sports - Firearms License Dealers - Financial Consulting and/or Planning - Furniture Sales - Gambling or Gaming - High Dollar Sales - Hypnotists and Home Remedy - Services - Life Coaching - Lingerie - Loan Modification Services - Magazine Sales - Medical Savings Card Programs - Membership Organizations - MLM Sales - MOTO - Mail Order Telephone Order - Music or Movie Downloads - Online Book Sales - Pawn Shops - Pornography - Prepaid Calling Cards and Debit Cards - Psychic Services - Real Estate - Replica Goods - Rewards Programs - Self Defense Products - SEO Services - Social Networking - Sports Betting - Software Downloads - Sweepstakes - Talent Agencies including Modeling - Telecom Services including VOIP - Telemarketing - Timeshare Sales and - Advertising - Tour and Travel Operators - Travel Clubs - Vacation Rentals - Vape Shops - Vitamin or Supplement Sales - Weapons Sales